Building capability

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What We Do:

We work ‘side by side’ with organisations from the business, government, community and education sectors to build their partnering capability and help them become strong partners who are ready for partnering.

We help organisations develop the essential knowledge and skills in ‘how to partner’ through educating, coaching and mentoring.

Utilising our Stronger Partners Program™ (SPP), we help partners to:

  • Develop a common language around partnering

  • Create a Partnering Framework for their organisation

  • Acquire knowledge and skills in partnering

  • Enable greater levels of buy in

  • Have the right tools and processes in place to support partnering

  • Reduce risks when involved in complex multi sector initiatives


How We Work:


We act as a sounding board and expert adviser in how to build high levels of partnering capability.

We work with partners using our 5-step process:

Step 1 – Understanding the context and challenges

Step 2 – Assessing the level of an organisation’s partnering knowledge, skills and experience

Step 3 – Co-designing a customised Stronger Partners Program™ for the organisation

Step 4 – Supporting implementation of key activities across the organisation

Step 5 – Reviewing and evaluating the impact of the Stronger Partners Program

Creating, developing and sustaining effective partnerships requires strong partners who have the knowledge and skills to interact effectively with each other.

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Who We’ve Helped:

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Anglicare SA

Building Capability

AnglicareSA recognised that they needed to improve their partnering capability and embarked on a program to strengthen their partnering knowledge and skills.

We supported AnglicareSA by developing a Partnering Framework and conducting partnering skills development training across their organisation.


A selection of organisations we have worked with over the last 20 years include:


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